Index Seminum 2024 – plik PDF 

The Polish Academy of Sciences
Botanical Garden – Center for Biological Diversity Conservation in Powsin
Warsaw, Poland


Director – Prof. Arkadiusz Nowak

Date of foundation – 1974
Garden area – 40 ha
Greenhouse area – 2 400 m2

Geographical situation:

  • latitude 52° 06′ N
  • longitude 21° 06′ E
  • altitude 90 – 104 m above sea level


The Polish Academy of Sciences
Botanical Garden – Center for Biological Diversity Conservation in Powsin
Prawdziwka St. 2, 02-973 Warsaw, Poland
Phone: +48 22 648 38 56



Seeds were collected by:

Michał Dreher, Anna Gasek, Małgorzata Górecka, Agnieszka Kościelak, Ewa Napiórkowska,  Jolanta Podlasiak, Maciej Niemczyk, Ryszard Rawski

Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb. from a Collection of Polish Flora (photo by Konrad Woliński)
Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb. from a Collection of Polish Flora.

All seeds offered in the list are the result of free pollination.
For your convenience and readability, seeds collected in 2022 are marked in light blue color.


Your data:

Section Divider

Since the Convention on Biological Diversity (Rio de Janeiro, 1992) entered into force, it has become necessary for botanic gardens to comply in particular with Article 15 (Access to genetic resources), especially in connection with the exchange of plant material. Accordingly, the garden only passes on plant material under the condition that the user acts in the spirit of the Convention on Biological Diversity. The garden is dedicated to the conservation, sustainable use and research of biological diversity. With regard to the acquisition, maintenance and supply of plant6 material, the garden therefore expects its partners to act in a manner that is consistent to the letter and the spirit of the Biodiversity Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) and in compliance with all relevant conventions and laws relating to the protection of Biological diversity. Consequently, only those persons and institutions who accept the following conditions will receive plant material from garden’s collection:

1. On the basis of this agreement, the material is intended to serve the common good, particularly scientific study, education and the interests of environmental protection.
2. Upon accepting plant material from the garden, the recipient is obliged to document and preserve information relating to the material appropriately.
3. In the event that scientific publications on the plant material provided are produced, the origin of the material is to be cited. In addition, these publications are expected to be sent to the garden automatically, without request.
4. Intended commercial use by the recipient is not covered by this agreement. The commercialization is the object of a separate agreement with the country of origin. This agreement underlies the provisions of the CBD, i. e. the user is obliged to share benefits with the country of origin and to forward relevant information to the authority instructed with the implementation of the CBD.
5. The garden will forward information on the material supply on the request to authority instructed with the implementation of the CBD* .
6. Plant material may only supplied on the basis and under the condition of this corresponding agreements.

I accept the above conditions.